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  • Why YOU Should Write Your Website Content

    website content

    You’re the expert – write your own website content.

    Maybe you don’t consider yourself a good writer.  Or perhaps you think developing website content should be left to the experts.  While it’s true that your web designer is the expert in that area, you’re the expert on your business.  Letting someone else who doesn’t truly understand your industry, your business, and/or your mission develop the core content of your website will most likely mean your message will get watered down – your organization’s personality can get lost.  Hopefully, you have a passion for what you do.  No one else can convey that passion like you can.  Sure, you might need some professional proofreading and editing along the way, but someone else who writes the content for your website will never portray the heart of your business like you can.  That doesn’t mean you can’t hire out someone to make blog posts to your website or promote your business on Facebook (as long as you stay up-to-date on what is being posted).  And, even after you write your core website content, don’t be afraid to let your web professional edit it to polish up the language and to make it search engine optimized.

    Only you know the reason you do what you do, why you love it, why you want other people to love it, and why you have made it your life’s mission.  Have you heard of Simon Sinek?  If not, it is definitely worth your time to check out his TED Talk here and even read his book Start with Why.  He explains that our “why” is often more of a feeling we have that is difficult to express in words.  If it’s difficult for us to express it in words, how could someone else possibly do it justice trying to write about it after we describe it?  It’s important that your customers get a feel for your business and its mission.  If they subscribe to why you do what you do, they are more likely to become loyal, life-long customers.  Oftentimes your website is your first, and sometimes last, chance to make an impression on potential customers.  If you write your own content, it’s easier to ensure your website appropriately portrays your company – after all, you’re the expert.

    Contact us with questions.