Focus Pocus
Focus – there’s magic in truly specializing in what you do.
When you go to a fair, do you wait in the short line at the food vendor who has a list a mile long of the items he can prepare? Or do you walk from vendor to vendor waiting in longer lines in order to buy food from the person who specializes in making deliciously perfect french fries, lemonade, stromboli, or cotton candy? If you love fair food, you go with the second option. The same is true when you have a specific health concern – you go to a specialist. So, if this is true for most of us, why do some businesses try to have their hand in as many earning opportunities as possible rather than specializing in one area and excelling at it? Well-structured businesses focus on one product or service area at a time, becoming well versed and experienced in that sector. Doing so allows them to provide superior products and customer service. Then, when they feel they have a solid foundation in that area, they can focus on growing additional products or services. But with each new aspect of their business, they spend the time and energy becoming specialists in that arena before they consider offering additional products or services.
Your website should be built like a well-structured business. If your company specializes in different areas, your website should clearly define and separate them. This clear separation can help customers focus on the product or service they need. And, more importantly, it illustrates that your business has the knowledge and experience to provide superior products and customer service in each area rather than seeming like just another company that will do anything to make a buck. Focus your website and your company on what you do exceedingly well, and the customers will magically appear.
We would love to help you focus your website – contact us here!